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A warm welcome to those of you viewing this!


My name is Doug Love.
I am most grateful to be serving as Pastor of Providence Methodist Church, which is a start-up of the Global Methodist Church.


I view my role in the church as Pastor/Shepherd. While a minister has many roles that he or she engages in i.e. Preaching, Teaching, Evangelism, Education, Missions, Administration etc.; the way in which I am most comfortable in viewing myself is as a Pastor called to be a Shepherd over the congregation that the Lord has charged me with caring for. 


As this new church grows it is imperative that we all view ourselves in ministry and mission together. It is also critical that Providence Methodist Church is committed to being Word centered, Prayer driven and Spirit Led. 



I believe it is true that nothing of eternal consequence, nothing transformative, nothing truly life changing happens either individually or communally as a body unless we are committed to keeping the Word of God and Prayer central in all that we do. We truly believe that God is doing something wonderful here at Providence Methodist Church.
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who:

Worship Passionately

Love Extravagantly

And Witness Boldly.

Won’t you consider joining us?  We would love to have you visit us!

Blessings to you and yours,


Doug Love



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